The nunchaku becomes a lethal weapon in the hands of a trained martial artist when there is good understanding of 'SEMMAE-WAZA'(attacking techniques).There are 16 basic directions in which any weapon can be directed.This includes all weapons like Bo, Sai, Tonfa, Kama, Nunchaku,Katana and the bare hands.The directions are similar to the directions in which certain animals strike. Like the Hebbi semmae which is the 'snake strike' will follow a circular path from above the head downwards the strike of a cobra. The Ushi semmae which is the 'Bull strike' will resemble the downwards to upwards goring movement of a bull with it's horns. There are some strikes which are named from the mythical creature ... 'The dragon' where similar strikes for animals are not available. What you see in this video is a practise session with my senior brown belt students at the Karate park near The national Isshinryu karate headquarters at Besant nagar ,Chennai,South India. This was shot immediately after I trained them the practise pattern. The Strikes in 'NUNCHAKU-SEMMAEWAZA' are as follows in sequence. 1) HEBI SEMMAE-Snake strike 2)USHI SEMMAE-Bull strike 3)KANNI SEMMAE-Crab strike 4)WANNI SEMMAE-Crocodile strike 5)KOMMORI SEMMAE-Bat strike 6)YAGI SEMMAE-Goat strike 7)USHIAGI UMA SEMMAE-Donkey strike 8) SASSORI SEMMAE-Scorpion strike 9)TORA SUMI SEMMAE-Tiger paw strike 10) DORAGAN SUMI SEMMAE- Dragon strike 11)DORAGAN KOBUSHI SEMMAE-Dragon fist strike 12) DORAGAN BUBI SEMMAE-Dragon tail strike 13) DORAGAN HANE SEMMAE-Dragon wing strike 14)DORAGAN KEITEKKI SEMMAE- Dragon horn strike 15) ZOU SEMMAE- Elephant strike. 16) JISATSU SEMMAE- Suicide dragon. This video clip will help all my Isshinryu students globally to learn the pattern and the rythm to follow-Shihan hussaini 8th dan -President, All India Isshinryu Karate and kobudo asociation of India.
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