Kenjutsu, U.S.A. (Virginia Beach YMCA)

Derived from the "Book of Five Rings" by Antonio lamotta, author of Shinobi Kai Scroll, Master of Pen and Sword, Castles of West Germany and Strategy of the Sword. All techniques were implemented from the teachings of Miyamoto Musashi. See WEBSITE: COMING SOON: kusarigama, nodachi, naginata and kanabo videos... I am obliged to make a mention of my study of dueling techniques of Heidelberg, which had paved my way towards understanding what Musashi was trying to convey. The intense details made Musashi's translated words seem first language to me, especially about the stances and leverage. Many think that Musashi's "Pushing Down the Pillow" meant to be some sort of downward block, but what he meant to convey was (to suffocate or to smother the attackers' momentum). In today's term "Nipping at the Bud" will be more appropriate. Pushing Down the Pillow meant to smother your attackers' plan before it blooms. It works everytime! " Fighting stances are just forms of telegraphing your intent. Just walk up and do him. His attack will have to go through the gate. If you would hold a shield far in front of you, this would be the area of the gate. You must learn to disrupt or close this area in timing of his attack (shields are cumbersome). In Musashi's gate, instead of parrying, your attack will serve as a disruptor to close this gate. Learn the angles of attacks in this way. Things will open for you." " Practically, during the maneuver the tsuba does not rise above your eye level, outside your shoulders and below your belt. The rest of the block is implemented by flicking the blade to compliment your momentum. Your tsuka should remain within the area of the gate to accomodate for effective counter attacks - at the same time, you have to angle your attack to prevent getting hit on the hand. " The resulting style or swordplay will be as you see it on the videos. Keep in mind that this is only practicing your maneuverability with the katana ( or any kind of saber and even broad swords). These videos does not show the quick strike maneuvers, leg strikes and disarming methods. Please refer to us for safety instructions before you practise any parts sudgested herein. Osu! ...antonio lamotta


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