Tricky Martial Disco Art

Clips of me weapon freestyling and playing "Tricky Disco" on In The Groove2. Been training in Tae Kwon Do about 14-15 years and I've never been propperly taught how to use weapons. The staff, nunchucks and fans were all just a "watch and learn" or things I learned on my own from messing around with it alot. The kicking, forms, board breaking will be for a different video another time. I've been taking Haidong Gumdo (Korean sword art) for about 3 years now. For those who are black belts in this art, the sword clips are parts of Yedo 9. Candles!!! Compliments of Haidong Gumdo. Be careful when doing this at home. Of course, this video was edited but it actually took me a while to get all 10 candles out especially since I did it 3 times for camera purposes. Despite the fact that I am using a palm strike, NO, it does not create enough wind to "blow" all 10 candles out. If I was only putting out one candle then that might be a vaild argument. When using my left hand, you'll see the candles flicker and I show that it takes me a few tries for said purpose. I would have done it with a wooden sword but there was no space in my house and my sword was left at the dojang anyway. XD Arrow Stomping! For the music video I used the full version of "Tricky Disco"...well, I cut off about a good min. of the beginning, but yes, the steps are with the music as it is on the game. For those who want stepfile, go to and its on the "custom songs" page. I do not post my score because I played it twice for camera angles, and my score sucked both times. For those who must know, my highest score is a low 98% not fullcomboed =( ENJOY!!


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