Personal Form Klawsin Demo

My Form Consist of Strange Strikes That Change 80% though the strike wen iam aobut to hit my target i put my hands into a palm form from my orgianal C Crab strike and snap my wrist on contact createing a 18% more force n power wen hit and maximise my speed Do not attempt this form if u got weak or frail wrist this form takes very strong wrist if u got weak ones u attempt this on a person or heavy bag u will break your wrist i been doing iron body training now 4 omost 2 years i do it 2 times a day 90mins x2 so i do it 4 3 hours day every day please if u want more info on my form n how to learn it from me please ask me in the future 4 iam still createing and adding n removeing strikes n hits to perfect it give me some time i only been makein this form 4 about omost 2 months now so i aint got all that much To Show u right now but if u wana learn the strike i do please Private message me and ill make a video for u along wit w/eu want to know ill try to teach u to the best of my ability now please enjoy and watch please consult a doctor before tryin these moves for u may not have strong enough wrist to take the impact iron body training i can help u wit as well as for my spelling i know it sucks note vid was made at 3:17am i was board n kinda tired so dont be to much of a ass i have never taken a martial art or was taught how to fight all this is comeing straight from me About me: Iam 18 weight 223lbs iam 5'4 or 5'5 i aint that fat i bench 320 curl 55lbs per arm can run 12 1/2 laps witch is 1.2 miles i hit the bag every day i iron body train everyday i mediate 3 times a week iam white/black not spanish.... i can do 72 push ups 8 pull ups 16 dips 56 sit ups i enjoy online rpgs and Rpgs 4 ps2 like persona 3 FE and iam a big anime freak mainly wit .hack series and i like to say i alot as u can tell and iam different cuz i enjoy training and workin out and practiceing its kinda my hobby i do it for and to be different weapons i know how to use daggers short sword bo staff nunchaku spear And Trident My martial art heros are Jet Li Jackie chan Tony Jaa chosonninja Samma hung dont know if i spelt his name right the fat martial artis that played in enter the fat dragon Well this is all i can tell u about me right my hands are starting to hurt from typing


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